WWR Transitional Services Day Program
Programming focused on building life skills, community navigation, social skills, and pre-vocational skills to prepare these individuals for adulthood
Westonwood Ranch understands that there are essential life goals which enable teens and young adults to be most successful at home, in the community and in employment. We provide participants the opportunity to increase their level of independence in the following ways
Provide opportunities for paid or volunteer (unpaid) work experience
Develop natural supports within community environments.
Increase mobility in the community.
Improve social and communication skills across environments.
Increase daily living/life skills.
Improve and practice self-advocacy/self-determination skills.
Develop age-appropriate, integrated leisure skills.
Develop friendships with same-age peers.
Identify and provide transition services and supports needed to transition into community life
Provide opportunities for parent engagement
How to Apply:
Step 1
Download the Intake form via the button below. Fill it out completely prior to your visit and email it to Mazie Armantrout at mazie@westonwood.org
Step 2
Once your intake form is received, you will receive a phone call from our Clinical Director to set up a time for an on site visit to the Ranch.
Step 3
Visit the Ranch! Meet our staff and learn about our programming. Please make sure to bring the prospective student along for this visit.
Step 4
Fill out the program application after your intake assessment.
If accepted to the program, you will receive an enrollment letter and start date!
*Enrollment is contigent upon our review of the pre-enrollment assessment, application and all supporting documentation*